Cutting Records
Music For The World

Posts Tagged ‘giggles

Cutting Tribute at Taj Majal “Freestyle Free For All” Event

October 28, 2013

There will be a special Cutting Records tribute at this years “Freestyle Free For All” concert at the Atlantic City’s Taj Majal Hotel on Friday November 8, 2013.  It will be a special evening celebrating Cutting’s contibution to the music industry since its founding in 1983.  For tickets to this event, go to Ticket Master.

Popular Freestyle Series Out Now

December 8, 2010

      Cutting Records announces the newest release of its successful “Freestyle” series.  Freestyle’s Best Extended Versions Vol. 5 follows its predecessors with the fifth installment of this classic series of freestyle hits.  As with volumes 1 thru 4, all of the tracks included have never been available in their full unedited form on any other cd […]

History of Dance label Cutting Records

April 17, 2010

    Life on the cutting edge…    A Family Business Goes Worldwide Cutting’s co-founder Aldo Marin brought a family business based in New York’s Washington Heights together with ambition and the passion for dance music: “I was 20 years old at the time…I was DJing on WKTU (NY), doing the Paco super mixes, and […]

Best Freestyle Music Hits

April 15, 2010

Those who still enjoy buying their cd’s understand the difficulties of finding them at retail stores, specially the classics, in today’s digital world.  Therefore, we’re making it easier for you Freestyle music lovers to purchase  “Freestyle’s Best Extended Versions” directly from us at